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Services Astrology

Offering a wide range of powerful Vedic technology solutions for improving one’s life, spirit and mind.

Astrology form and introduction

“Meaning of Veda”

The word “Veda” was used in the Vedic era as a synonym for Vangamay. Just as even today many subjects are understood in the name of scriptures like theology, grammar, astrology and philosophy etc. and the word 'Shastra' does not convey any specific meaning but only shows the completeness of the word associated with it. Similarly, in ancient times the word Veda was generally used for the entire literature.

Just as all the literature of the Brahmin era came to be known as Brahmin texts, just as in the Sutra era, Shrotsutra, Dharmasutra, Grihyasutra, grammar and the style of presentation of astrology and philosophy were also named 'Sutra', just as in the Smriti era, all the small and big The works came to be known as Smritis and just as many texts of the Puranic era were n the same way as the Puranas became popular, in the “Vedic era” even Brahmin texts were included under the word Veda – “Mantrabrahmanayorvedanamdheyam” i.e. the name of both Mantra and Brahmin is Veda.

Not only this - Tabhyah Panchvadan niramit sarva vedam Pishachavedamumsurvedamitihasavedam Puranavedamithi - that is, from them Sarvaveda Pishachaveda, Asurveda, Itihasaveda and Puranaveda were created. Similarly, in 'Natyasastra' there is mention of the creation of Panchaveda named Natya, which was created by Brahma himself by compiling the essence of Rigyasusam and Atharva four. According to the chronology, later on the word Veda remained indicative of only four Vedas: Ārika, Yaju, Sama and Atharva.

The subjects like Brahmin, Aranyaka and Upanishad etc., despite being within the limits of Vedas, were completely separated from the original Vedas, as explained by Sayanacharya in the commentary preface of Taittiriya Samhita, Yaghat MantraanaBrahmanaatko Veda: Yahatva Brahmansya Mantravyakhyanswaroopattva Mantra Evadau Samamnatah That is, although the Brahman texts were in the form of lectures on mantras, hence their place was in the form of lectures on mantras, hence their place comes after the mantras. The Brahmin text, being a text of interpretation, is completely based on mantras. Their own place is based after the mantras. They do not have their own independent existence, like mantras do.

Hence, the meaning is that by the name Veda, only mantras are meant, and not the texts like Brahmin, Aranyaka, Upanishad, etc. which explain the mantras and propound their importance.

Although Vedas and Brahmins etc., the textual texts of Vedas are familiar today in separate form and by the word Veda we remember only four mantra codes; Still, it is certain that the Vedas are the root of all our actions. The foundation of all the subjects like culture, religion, philosophy, literature etc. rests on the Vedas. That is why Manu has called the Vedas omniscient. And this is the reason why modern era Veda scholars like Max Muller and Swami Dayanand Saraswati have accepted the said omniscient form of Veda.

Introduction to astrology

Both the words astrology and astrology are often used. “Jyoti adhishtya kritam shastram jyotisham shastram” In this meaning, Ana will be suffixed and Jyotish will be formed. Tath Jyothi: Asti Asminnapadarte, Arshadivhyo Ach, Jyotishaam will be formed from this sutra. “Astrology, the time-based science that gives insight into the Sun, Navagrahans, Ashvinyas, constellations and comets is called Astrology. This scripture Veda is the best eye form of God. Regarding the importance of astrology, some modern scientists are confused about its scientificity and authenticity and they do not consider astrology to stand the test of science. The only reason for this is that first of all, being an Anglo-linguist, his intellect has become frustrated to think in only one direction.

At the same time, due to their ignorance of Sanskrit language, they are unable to understand it and understand its meaning. Many classical examples of astrology being a science are contained in the Vedas and scriptures. Apart from being a science, astrology is also linked to Indian religion and philosophy and without it the communication of religious activities etc. becomes impossible - Vedasya Nirmalan Chakshurjyothi: Shastramakalmasham. Vinaitadakhilam Karma Shrautam Smartam Na Sidhyati. Fans of astrology find many sentences and verses proving that through its knowledge, one attains heaven and the best virtues and the one who studies astrology never becomes a part of hell and the person who studies astrology gets salvation in the world. The next world proves to be both.

Since astrology is a Vedanga, its antiquity is proved to be the same as that of the Vedas. Some foreign thinkers have considered it to be 5000 years old, while some Indian scholars have considered its antiquity to be 26000 years. On the basis of Indian tradition and knowledge, the Vedas are infallible and eternal and even modern scientists believe that almost 20 million years have passed since the beginning of this Kalpa. “Graharkshadevdaityadi srijetaasya characharam. Kritadrivedadivyaabdaah shataghnavedhaso gatah. (Soo Siddhant 1/24) That is, from the beginning of this Kalpa, Brahma had to spend 47400 divine years in creating the entire universe, that is, it took 47400 x 360 x 1706400 years in the solar year. This also confirms the time of creation of this astrology, even if it was in seed form in the beginning. Have been.

There were 18 main teachers of this astrology which are as follows - Surya, Pitamah (Brahma), Vyas, Vasishtha, Atri, Parashar, Kashyap, Narad, Garga, Marichi, Manu, Angira, Lomash, Paulish, Chyavana, Yavana, Bhrigu. And there are hobbies.

Even in Naradiya Samhita, Lord Narad ji has accepted the astrology as Ashtadash Rishi Praneet, but according to him Brahmaji Acharya (Jupiter), Vashishtha, Atri, Manu, Paulistya, Lomash, Marichi, Angira, Vedavyaya, Narad, Shaunak and Bhrigu are the 18 main Acharyas. Are- These parts are considered as Skandhatraya-Hora, Siddhant and Samhita or Skandhapanch-Hora, Siddhant, Samhita, Prashna and Shakun. If Veerat Panchaskandhakta is defined or analyzed in astrology, then today's psychology, biology, materials science, chemistry, medical science etc. also become included in it. The definition of astrology has been considered in different forms from time to time in India. In ancient times, only the science of the nature of light objects – planets, constellations, stars etc. was called astrology. At that time, theoretical mathematics could not be understood from this scripture because in this period the intention was to gain knowledge of constellations only through visual observation. When Indians first looked at the Sun and the Moon, they Being frightened, they accepted him as a divinity. At many places in the Vedas, there are mantras in praise of constellations, sun and moon. Certainly, prehistoric Indian humans accepted them as divinity only after being influenced by their mystery. This definition further developed during the times of Brahmins and Aranyakas and in that period, gaining knowledge of the shape, form, properties and effects of constellations started being considered as astrology.

In the beginning of creation, when the living being comes into the field of work with new experiences of the world, he solves many problems and fulfills his curiosities in various ways. As a testament to those relationships, the first Samhitashastra astrology emerged. In this, a detailed explanation of good and bad knowledge through dreams, good omens, vision of disaster, rain knowledge, maritime knowledge etc. is given.

In fact, apart from being dependent on karma, the living being is also a puppet in the hands of the creator and the only astrological science that can know the effect of karma is through divyagyanakkshu astrology (Horashastra) on the basis of Grahayoga.

The word Hora is saved by omitting the letters 'a' at the beginning and 'tra' at the end of the word 'Ahoratra'. Day and night are called Ahoratra. Twelve lagnas are spent in this Ahoratri. All auspicious and inauspicious results are under the ascendant. They are under the influence of ascendant, time and planet (Sun). Time (Kaal) lasts from day to night. Therefore, the word Hora is derived from the word Ahoratra. We consider the auspiciousness of the planets and zodiac signs associated with it.

The science that indicates the attainment of all the auspicious and auspicious results of human actions is called Horashastra. Difference between Jataka and Hora - What is famous in the world is Jataka Shastra, and it is also called Hora Shastra - “Jatakamiti Prashantam Yalloke Tadih Kirtyate Hora.

Or Daivajnavimarshanparayah shalvayam shabdah. It is described in Saravali that this Jataka (Hora) scripture helps people in earning money (profit in good condition, loss in inauspicious). The form of disaster works as a boat and ship in the sea and during the journey, there cannot be anyone else as a minister or advisor except Horoscope. It is that without Hora Shastra one cannot know the stories of Jaiman in life, it is like being given in Timir (in darkness). The importance of this philanthropic scripture is continuously flowing for human welfare.

Vishnugupta says in Samvatsar Sutradhyay of Brihat Samhita that a human being can hardly cross the ocean with the speed of wind, apart from the sages and sages, even human mind cannot cross the great ocean.

Summery of jyotish shastra

Jyotish is one of the six limbs of the Veda. It is called the eye of the Veda. The word jyoti means ‘light.’ Jyotish means ‘relating to light,’ in the sense of the science that gives the complete knowledge of the nine planets, the twelve signs of the zodiac and the 27 lunar mansions (nakshatras). It informs about their positions, movements, and characteristics. There are three main branches of jyotish

1. Siddhanta

This is the purely mathematical calculation of the movement of the heavenly bodies, a science which among other things is the basis of a horoscope


2. Samhita

This is the prediction according to signs of the nature

3. Hora

This is the science of prediction by means of a horoscope. It takes into account the birth time of the native and predicts about his/her character, wealth, relatives, happiness, education, children, health, marital life, life span, spirituality, profession, business, gain, expenditure. The Hora gives information about auspicious and inauspicious times for every undertaking. The main aim of propagating this pure knowledge of Jyotish is ”Heyam Dukham Anagatam”, which means to avoid the danger that has not yet occurred in individual, family, and national life, through Jyotish consultation and Yagya program.

There are different kinds of Jyotish consultations:

– Jyotish Predictions (full or part life)

– Yagya or Gem suggestions and

– Relationaship compatibility advice

– other (see below)


The Jyotish Services


Whole-Life Prediction

This service covers all areas of life, such as health, wealth, relationship with siblings, happiness of material life, happiness of mother, education, children, education, disease, enemies, and debts, life partner, business, longevity, fortune, spirituality, professional area, gains, sources of income, expenses and enlightenment. It also covers the prediction on the future time periods of life, and the influence of the transit planets, along with specific Yagya and Gem recommendation.

Five-Year Prediction

The focus is on the prediction of the twelve houses and coming five-year time period which covers all the possible trends and tendencies regarding business, relationships, marriage and children, when to start any venture, when to be careful and if there is any problem then how to solve it by suitable Yagyas. The light is on the present transit of planets also, and their influence in life, and the positive and negative results with solution through Yagyas.

One-Year Prediction

The focus is on the prediction of the twelve houses and especially the service covers the prediction of a one-year time period in detail on three levels of Dasha system, which includes the major period of a planet, the sub period of a planet and sub–sub period of a planet, which is very minute observation for possible events in the coming year.


This service is for matching the horoscope for marriage and partnership business. This one of the most special services of Vedic Jyotish, and helps one to live a happy and harmonious conjugal life. If one wishes to live a happy married life, then the birth charts of the both partners – husband and wife- are compared on minute level that indicates if the support of nature is there or not, for peace, harmony, progress, fortune and children. The compatibility can be for personal business in partnership or to recruit employees in the company or to place them in management, financial area, security services, personal advisor, and as legal advisor also. Through this service you can know who is suitable, favorable and beneficial for the personal growth and for the growth of the company.


This service helps you to know the most auspicious time to start any venture in life. If one starts any undertaking in an auspicious time one will have a better chance to be successful. The auspicious time is fixed by correlating the horoscope of the native with the present transit of the planets. Important events that can be supported by an auspicious timing are marriage, starting a business, ground-breaking ceremony of a building, entering of a new house or a journey.


To find out the correct birth time of horoscope: if one does not know the correct time of one’s birth, an expert Jyotishi can find it out. Some important dates of the native’s life, such as marriage, birth of children, education, journeys, health etc. are necessary for the rectification of the birth time. A minimum ten important events in life will be good for this purpose.

Prashna (Question)

To know your future and to get the answer on basis of asking on the time of question: If someone does not have any information about his/her birth time at all, he/she notes down the time when the desire to inquire into the matter comes up and informs the Jyotishi about it. Another method is to visit the Jyotishi who, by using the time of the native’s arrival can answer questions related to his/her life.


Giving of a Vedic name according to sound on the basis of birth star or Nakshtra to gain maximum support of nature. The name is of major importance for the whole life of a native because his/her qualities will be influenced by it. A Vedic name is given in accordance with the Janma Nakshatra of the native. You can get the name of a company, establishment, institute, organization, or for business purposes, to gain the support of nature for more success in business or in related areas.

Gem and Yagya Recommendation

The unique feature of Vedic jyotish is to avert the danger that has not yet come. If you have any weak planets in the chart the Jyotishi will provide you suitable Gem recommendations to strengthen the power of those planets which will support your life for progress, happiness and success in activity. According to your birth chart the suitable Yagyas are also recommended for immediate result to reduce the negativity in the related areas such as relationship, legal cases, health, finances and provide desired success in the related field. Yagyas also removes obstacles, hurdles, and difficulties in all areas of life and bring more nature support and fulfillment in life.

A full Jyotish consultation contains a whole life prediction, which will take 90-minutes. Of course, you can also just ask certain questions about your chart. The price for every consultation depends on the duration of the session. The consultations are held by phone. If you are interested, please fill out and send us the forms with all the information needed to make proper predictions. Of course, we highly take care that none of your information is given to any other person, company, or organization. We will get back to you as soon as possible.