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Introduction to Vastushastra

The main objective of Indian Vaastu Shastra is to provide happiness,prosperity and peace to the person.To do. Provision of food, pictures and accommodation to all the witnesses in life If it can be done easily, it is considered an ideal resolution of the state. Vastu Shastra is considered our guiding scripture in the context of house construction.Along with all the facilities in accommodation, this scripture is also related to construction.Provides guidance on technical aspects also. Purushartha Chatushtaya of human life Housing plays an important role in the prosperity of a country. to Vaastu Shastra It is considered a part of astrology. In the Vedas it is called eye. your eyes It communicates knowledge to the doer faster than other senses.According to Sayana,

the purpose of Vedas is to attain good and avoid evil and इष्तप्रप्तारिनिष्ठपरिहारयोर-लौकिक मुपायनYo Vedayati Sah Vedah. Should the remedy be after or before the disaster, if later What is the purpose of the measure? The knowledge of the evil has not yet come or the evil will happen. Which one is Adibhautik, Adidaivik or spiritual? Knowledge of Ishtanishta It was in anticipation of this that astrology developed. Astrology helped Vastushastra Tried to find out through this medium how long the person lived in the country. One can achieve his ascension by being happy and prosperous. of human Abhyudaya and proving yourself fearless is the only religion -यतोऽभ्युदयनिश्रयस् सिद्धिः स धर्मः।

Vaisheshikasutra 1.1.2
The Upveda of Atharvaveda is called Sthapatyaveda, after a period from Sthapatyaveda. Became famous by the name of Vastu Shastra or Shilpa Shastra.Vishwakarma says that

  • यत्प्रसादान्मया ज्ञातं वास्तुशास्त्रमिदं ततम्।
  • शास्त्रेणानेन सर्वस्य लोकस्य परमं सुखम् ।।
  • चतुवर्गफलप्राप्तिस्सलोकश्च भवेद् ध्रुवम्।
  • शिल्पशास्त्रपरिज्ञानम्मर्योऽपि सुरतां ब्रजेत् ।।
  • परमानन्दजनकं देवानामिदमीरितम्।
  • शिल्पं विना नहि जगत्त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्यते
  • जगद्विना न शिल्पञ्च वर्तते वासव प्रभो।
  • अतो लोकेषु सर्वेषु शिल्पं बहुविधा ततम् ।

There is mention of three scriptures related to art in Sanskrit literature :

  • Vastu,
  • Crafts and paintings.
  • Virtually Acharya Shilpa Shastra is synonymous with Vaastu Shastra.
  • Believe it but some Acharyas accept it under Shilpashastra.

By looking at Maharaj Bhoj's Samaranganasutradhar book, it would be known that the craft and Pictures are considered a part of Vaastu Shastra. Samarangansutradhar gave vastu shastra It has been divided into three parts. In the construction of building etc., the principles of Vastushastra, etc. The role of craftsmanship and graphics in construction has been accepted. Samarangansutradhar and Shilparatna are considered complete Vaastu Shastra texts because These texts have described the eight parts of architecture - fort, fort, building, palace, statue, painting, And by describing the sleeping posture, the unbroken tradition of Indian architecture flourished. And has done the work of making it bloom. In the book named Roopmandan, Shri Sutradharmandan has accepted his work under Vaastu Shastra.
Such as -विश्वरूपं नमस्कृत्य पूर्वतन्त्रानुसारतः ।

मण्डनस्तनुते वास्तुशास्त्रं श्रीरूपमण्डनम्।। (1. 1)

Today Vaastu Shastra is being discussed the most in social life. It is visible. But due to lack of classical knowledge, people curious about this scripture Does not get proper guidance. At present only architects By taking the help of time, space and time, people have started confusing this scripture whereas today We also have a strong supernatural tradition of this scripture in the texts before us.Exists in the form of archaeological records. Ignorant of the classical knowledge of this

scripture With this happening, the society may have to suffer dire consequences. The word Vaastu is derived from the root Vas Niwase which means to reside, to reside. Achieving happiness by building a house on a plot of land is called Vaastu. The broad meaning of the word is land and the fort, building, palace etc. built on this land. All are Vaastu. The scripture in which these rules of Vaastu are propounded,That is called Vaastu Shastra. It has been the tradition of Indian

scriptures that here No work is started without a vision. hence indian 'Naadabrahma' in musicology, 'Shabdabrahma' in grammar. Similarly in Vaastu Shastra 'Vastunbrahma' And in other scriptures, such divine feelings were envisaged. Is. Indian art and science is based on the background of spirituality, Whereas Western art is merely aesthetic and science is merely material. Thus Sthapatyaveda The developed form of Vaastu Shastra from Indian Vaastu Shastra till present.Standard texts Vishwakarmaprakash, Samarangansutradhar, Aparajitparchha, Shilparal, In Mayamatam, Manasar, Prasadmandan, Vasturatnakar, Vastu-Ratnavali etc. Get; In which earth, water, light, air and sky are these natural The balance of the five great elements and the power of gravity, magnetic power and solar energy. Detailed discussion of the principles of management of three types of natural forces Has been done Architectural texts of Dravidian tradition like Manasar, Mayamatam etc.Also known as Shilpashastra. In Dravidian or Southern architecture Due to the predominance of illustration, 'Pradhanyen Vyapadesha Bhavanti' by this rule Architectural texts have also been given the name of Shilpashastra. architecture, In Vaastu Shastra and Shilpa Shastra, all three words have been used as synonyms. in fact From the point of view of the generality of Vaastu Shastra, its three components are Vaastu, Crafts and Pictures. It can be said


All the living beings that are born in this world, from the womb to the egg, all theseThe living beings are nourished by God. The living beings are given the means to live life. There is a need for Pancha Tattva so that all the living beings are governed by Pancha Tattva. Vastu helps in sustaining life. How to be safe from three heats? Shastra is required. Vastu means the plot on which the house is built. May there be happiness and prosperity in that house, and may there be no sorrow there. all living beings It is impossible to imagine happiness without Vaastu Shastra.